About Us:

• We are a group of believers that recognize Jesus as Lord. We are non-denominational and extend our hand of fellowship to anyone, anywhere, anytime. We as a group are from varied backgrounds, different towns and cities, but we have one thing in common, Jesus Christ.

Our main goal is to glorify Christ in our daily living, our worship services and to lead people to salvation in Jesus Christ with each and every endeavor.

• The Bible is our creed and rule of faith. We believe in baptism, communion and foot washing as practiced in God's holy word.

We believe that the blood of Christ cleanses us from sin. We believe that when you receive Christ as your personal savior, God, not man, adds you to the church. We have no formal or written membership and want anyone to feel free to worship with us.

To be encouraged and uplifted in Jesus Christ we welcome you to worship with us at any time.

In Christian Love.
Bro. Michael Clark

Prayer Chain : Please call or text the church office or email us with your prayer requests.
918-399-5956 / crossroads4prayer@scglobal.net
